• Photo by Megan Stallings on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    Treasured Days

    Many moments, smiles, tears, laughter and love…the memories of my Mom are strong this evening. I suppose it’s because Mother’s Day is tomorrow. I discovered that I still have text messages from her on my phone. It was a treasured find. Some asked if I was okay – one asked me to call her because she needed a little TLC. How…

  • Photo by Stephen Ellis on Unsplash

    You Go First

    There is comfort in following a recognized trail, a familiar road. There is also excitement in forging unchartered paths and getting to experience new things.  Both have advantages, don’t they? Think of the comfort of coming up your driveway after a long day. The lights are on inside, beckoning you to go in. You are home, and it feels good.…

  • Photo by eskay lim on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    Unexpected Gifts

    Have you ever really had to wait? There are different kinds of waiting, you know. Here are a few off the top of my head… There is the kind of waiting in the “waiting room” of a surgical center to hear the report on the condition of a loved one. This one is grueling! There is the expectation of a…

  • Photo by Alex Lion on Unsplash

    PM DNA

    Goals are a dream with a plan. Each and every project I’ve ever worked on has been as unique as the stakeholders associated with it. There are some key “same” requirements a PM should bring to the table.  It’s definitely fun to weave order from the chaos of a nascent project. Here are just a few activities that are top…

  • Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen on Unsplash
    Meditations,  Random

    The Stillness of Holy Saturday

    I wonder what they were doing that Saturday? Were some huddled in a room somewhere terrified they would be next? Were they exhausted? Did they jump at every and any unexpected sound? From Biblical accounts, it seems this may have been the case. Were they hopeless? We tend to look at these heroes of the New Testament – the Disciples,…

  • tom-barrett-hgGplX3PFBg-unsplash
    Journeys,  Prose

    In the Wind

    The wind was whistling in the eaves and howling in the chimney. Frequently the windows rattled and bowed at the onslaught. Although the sky was a stunning blue, the elements sounded as though a terrific storm was underway. It was the sound of war. She bowed her head, praying, knowing that just beyond her eye’s reach, there waged the clash…