Thanks, Mom & Dad!
Many years ago, when I was in high school, my parents listened to my plea for a new flute. The one I was playing was a “student” model, and I just couldn’t progress on it. One Saturday Dad drove us to a music store – Royal Music, in Royal Oak, MI, about an hour, or so, away from where we lived. I…
Getting Jazzed
Life is so interesting, don’t you think? Just when you hit a brick wall, an escape route “magically” appears. This week has been a collection of challenges, obstacles and wonder. I’m very excited to see how things unfold. The new project is coming along, and I’ve been collaborating with some of my friends. It’s always fascinating to me to learn…
Autumn Sunday
As September draws to a close, I can’t help but get a bit sentimental. When I was a girl, my parents would always take us kids to a wonderful cider mill. “Goodison Cider”. Even the name conjures up the smell of freshly made cinnamon doughnuts and the tangy taste of pressed Michigan apples. The mill was off the beaten path, but…
Being Grateful
Some days are more inspiring than others. Whether it’s physical, mental or spiritual, there are times when we need a little “pick-me-up”. I received one today via email from friends who are vacationing in…wait for it…Barbados! Friends are a wonderful gift. I am certainly grateful for you! – Rose
Today is an exciting day! I will be speaking with Athena Dean Holtz of Redemption Press regarding the projects. I keep looking at the clock, but the wait is actually fun. Anticipation is a good thing. According to Dictionary.com, the 2nd and 3rd definitions for anticipation are: “2. realization in advance…3. expectation or hope…” Now you tell me – doesn’t…
Next Project
I’m pleased to report that my new project is underway! It’s in the very early stages still, but it is progressing. I love this time of development because it involves a lot of research. Learning is such a fun adventure! Right now I’m living in Damascus in the first century! More to come…