• Poetry


    The cosmos sing – and the reason is You. Their music reaches Your ears. They cannot cease to exclaim. Clouds dance in ballet patterns. Birds join the chorus. And below, in waters deep, creatures lift their voices. The heavens are telling the Glory of God. Your orchestra is filled with stars playing their lucent strings. Kings bow down. My heart…

  • Above All Else...
    General,  Random

    Heart Health

    How many times a day does our heart beat? Hopefully at least once more, right? How often do we consider what’s really inside our heart – what we believe? Our beliefs propel us in and out of situations. Our beliefs guide us and direct us. Inside our heart we store up countless memories, thoughts and desires. In my continuation of…

  • Light
    General,  Prose

    Right Light

    It’s hard to believe we are pushing toward the end of January already. I guess that means I better focus on getting my tax preparation done for my Accountant, right? There is something I have done for the past few years, “My One Word”. I like it. It Makes me focus. This year, my one word is ALL. I’m very…

  • Joyful Abandon
    General,  Random

    Full On

    Years ago, I picked a Hotmail address – it was Go Full On. I still have it, even though Hotmail has been assimilated into Outlook. FULL ON. Don’t do something half-way. Don’t be tepid. Give it your ALL. That’s my mantra this year. I’m all in. There is going to be no midway with me. It’s all or nothing. Carpe…

  • Winding Road
    Poetry,  Random


    When the sun came up today It showed the way – and it was clear. The trail was bright, illuminated and interesting. Nothing will hinder the course set before. Today is like no other. No yesterday. No tomorrow – Merely now. – RG

  • General,  Random

    Practice Makes Perfect

    Have you ever started thanking God for one thing, and the list keeps getting longer and longer? It’s so good to remind ourselves about who and what we are blessed with, rather than moaning about what we think we are supposed to have! Today, it is cloudy, foggy and generally dreary out – but not on the inside! I encourage…