Unanswered Questions
Today would have been my parents 61st wedding anniversary. It was also the day I would experience my first major medical test. What a strange feeling! I almost had the same, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach I always had for mid-terms and finals when I approached the medical center. It’s a time of musical change at church.…
It’s all in how you look at things. Today, as I prepare for the second steps in this journey, I am breathing a huge sigh of relief. Who would have thought? GRATEFUL. THANKFUL. ASSURED. I have some very dear friends who have encouraged me in a big way. Although this adventure can’t be described as “fun”, I’m determined to make…
Not My Strong Suit
Waiting. Ever been there? You know what I mean – for an elevator, for the light to change, for the microwave… Quite some time ago, I realized patience was not my strong suit and could benefit with a serious boost. So, I prayed. I told a pastor / friend, Elmer about my decision. He laughing said, “Take it back, Rose!”…
It’s a beautiful Saturday morning. The sun is shining and it’s not overly hot for August in Texas. Just the kind of day to get lots done! On the surface, “all systems normal”. Sammy and I went for a nice walk. She was suspiciously eyeing a squirrel that was chattering at her from a notch in a tree, but Sammy…
Finding Next
There are times in life where the “what’s next” is very clear. Others, where it is elusive. I think both ways have benefits and rewards. Right now, it seems I may be on another new journey. The days ahead will tell. For years I have had a life verse. It is Deuteronomy 31:8. “The Lord himself goes before you and will…
Mornings with Sammy
She stood in the cool of the morning, looking blissful. Her nose was twitching in delight, sniffing the breeze as it gently flowed. It was strange, because she did not attempt to look for anything. Her sole focus was on whatever she was smelling. The sun had recently come up, and there was fresh dew on the grass, sparkling like…