Unexpected in a Good Way
So, a month ago today was my surgery. It’s been a very interesting road. Things like that make one stop and evaluate – no matter how cavalier you are. Yes. I stopped; and I’m delighted to report I discovered some unexpectedly wonderful things along the way. Here is a tribute to my medical team. I am a Boomer. Sigh. Yes, the years…
It’s All Good
Today is back to the doctor…the “dreaded” oncologist. I’ve been told repeatedly that I do not have cancer, but for some reason that very word makes me shudder. It really shouldn’t. It’s just a collection of letters. As I was walking up the stairs with Samantha this morning, I realized, “It’s all ok – it’s all good. God has this…
Simple Things
There are things in life that bring a smile and reinforce its beauty… The smell of baking bread, A funny text from a friend, Freshly laundered sheets, Prayers answered, Swirling cloud formations, Your dog’s welcome home, A favorite song on the radio, Love that doesn’t stop, And flowers that seem to sing. Yeah – that was my Saturday. The simple…
Accentuate the Positive…
There was a song in the 40’s written and performed by Johnny Mercer. (If you haven’t ever listened to his music, give it a whirl!). The first line says – “You’ve got to accentuate the positive – eliminate the negative…” Amen to that! I was talking with a couple of friends recently and we were wondering how two negative words…
Tears fall at the very thought of You. Grace and mercy have consumed me. Your hands have steered me in unexpected ways – Gentle but strong. With head bowed, I can’t help but smile. Your love has altered me – Physically, mentally, spiritually. There are not enough words to thank You. Yes, I am undone by the Son… Remade. New.…
Figuring it Out
So, it’s been almost 2 weeks since I had the Spielberg mutant cyst removed. It’s kind of a crazy experience losing over 30 pounds in 2 weeks! I have had to recalibrate my balance. It sure feels good, though. Today, as I work from home, I am practically tap-dancing because I’m so happy. I mean, even Excel looks fantastic and interesting.…