Horizons Ahead
There is a place in my soul; It is well-guarded. But the open road brings it out to play. I see the future, I touch the present, I leave the past behind. My days are ordered, and slip into harmony. How grateful I am for Your Direction! As the swirling chaos of this thing called “life” dances, I tip my…
Good Tidings
So, Linus had it right years ago in “Charlie Brown Christmas”. He stood at the mic and recited the passage from Luke. As I go through my first Christmas without either of my parents on good old planet Earth, I am in equal parts rejoicing and missing them. I hear music and think, “Papa loved this song.” I make recipes…
Open Road
So, it’s been over 100 days since my surgery. I can hardly believe it! A lot has happened in a relatively short amount of time. With the death of my Mom on October 9th, it’s like a whole new chapter is being written. Of course I miss her. There are tears, but there are also smiles as I consider many…
Uninvited Guest
Feeling the bite against my skin, Sun shining brightly, but bringing little warmth. Winter has arrived. Today inside feels as chilly as the air outside. I miss you. Longing to hear the warmth of your laughter, Share your memories, Feel your hug… Grief sneaked in uninvited. – RG
Autumn’s Changes
It’s been over a month since Mom passed away. I have been somewhat dreading the impending holidays. Why? Because they will be different. But then, as I consider the truth – every day is different from its predecessor. So, why should I be surprised at this? Yes, it’s more extreme…but if I honestly believe what I say I believe, then…