• Journeys,  Random

    It’s Right There!

    Sometimes you can read the same passage and see something new. I don’t know how many times I’ve read or heard the 23 Psalm. Today, however, something new and wonderful happened. “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” Psalm 23:1 NIV Nothing. I lack nothing. Really? Really! It’s right there in front of my face. What a great way…

  • Journeys,  Poetry


    Today there is a mist, It’s in my heart and on my lashes. I wish I could tell Mom & Dad How much they have given me. The humor, the tenacity, The foundation, The memories, The character, The essence of who I am. God – will you please tell them thank you again? I wish I could at least one…

  • Journeys

    Pursuing Yes

    I’m excited. Ok, so that’s pretty much my norm, right? But this time, it’s a little different… Lots of people believe the Church is irrelevant. Unfortunately, in some cases the institution(s) with that moniker have been their own worst enemy. I beg to differ, though, because God has called the Church to be relevant and “set apart”. Huh? How can…

  • Random

    Cozy Sunday

    Today is cloudy and blustery. A short time ago it was sleeting. Not exactly spring weather… But there is good news! There are moments that make us slow down and smell the…soup! Sammy and I had just come in from a nice walk when the ice came in. It was all the encouragement I needed to make a nice cup…

  • Books,  Journeys

    Joyful, Oh Yeah!

    Now that the move is history, I’ve been able to focus more on writing. These are exciting days. My second manuscript has been sent to the publisher. I am hoping the second book will be released THIS MONTH! Woo-hoo! “The Call to Damascus” will be released as hard copy, iBooks and Kindle. Also, “The Call of Dreams” will be re-released…

  • Journeys,  Poetry


    Wrapped in sunlight, Hope is strong. Laughter is easy, And joy is near. So thankful for the love of friends. God redeems the days. His purpose has become mine. Unwavering. Forging ahead. I see the future. It has come. I rejoice. – RG