• Photo by Bruno van der Kraan on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Meditations

    Thoughts From My Journal

    It is still early. It is Easter. Christ is alive and on His throne. He will never be moved or shaken. Every knee will bow! Glory to His name forever. With the angels, I say, “Hallelujah!” I love You, Jesus. Your saving grace is stunning – overwhelming. May I be a reflection of Your shining light. Today, as I reflect…

  • Random

    Uncharted Territory

    I used to have a recurring dream about a house I lived in. Strangely, there were passages and whole floors in the house that were uncharted – and noone knew they were there. There was, for instance, a secret stairwell that opened into an immense ballroom! The ceiling was domed, and painted like the Sistine Chapel. If that wasn’t unexpected…

  • Photo by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography on Unsplash
    Meditations,  Poetry


    The miracle of You is that You loved me first. No conditions. No performance reviews, Just Your love crafting a “do over” in me. Looking back through the years, I see Your faithfulness, Your gentle hand. And sometimes a swift, hard shake to wake me up. “So, Rosey, do you want to be Lot’s wife?” That moment, I will never…

  • Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

    Love Outbound

    We are approaching that day of the year where almost everything is pink or red – yep, you guessed it, the Hallmark Holiday, Valentine’s Day. Wikipedia has a pretty good (and I sure 100% accurate!) article on the origins and evolution of this. Poor St. Valentine! To be relegated to visions of obese flying cherubs who have no relation whatsoever…

  • Photo by Aldebaran S on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Meditations


    Scientists tell us that space is vastly empty, with great distances between stars. Other than our magnificent and perfect sun, the closest star to Earth, Alpha Centauri, is a little over 4 lightyears from us. That’s an enormous amount of space, to say the least. On days such as New Year’s Day, 2023, where resolutions and hope abound, it is…

  • Photo by Martin Brechtl on Unsplash


    Beautiful music – sights and sounds… People may smile more at this time. As I sit by a fire, I give thanks. Not every year has been like this, And this one has had its own challenges. Still, in the midst of the music, I pause and reflect on many blessings. The power and desire to hurt exists – The…