Spontaneous Life
So…I have a friend staying with me. She’s one of my dearest friends. It was unexpected, and happened rather suddenly. It has also been extended longer than either of us anticipated. And you know what? It’s lovely. Who knew? I’m so thankful that in the course of life there are random happenings that we ourselves haven’t scripted. It’s like the…
So Happy #243
It’s been 243 days since I headed to Baylor and major surgery. I almost can’t believe the time has flown by so quickly. Today, as I trotted along on the elliptical stepper, I felt whole. It is amazing. Last year at this time I couldn’t figure out what was going on, and honestly, I didn’t really want to know. Silly,…
The sun rose, slanting through the blinds – Filling the room with its warming glow. The new day arrived. All thoughts and concerns of the night melted away, Leaving hope in their place. Why are the voices of doubt louder in the darkest hours? Thankfully, the steadfast sun climbs over the horizon, Bringing with it a fresh dose of optimism.…
What’s It Going To Be?
What if you could change something about yourself – anything. What would it be? Money? Fame? Appearance? I would like to light up the hidden recesses of my heart. Blast the dark corners with holy light. Clean the closets of my mind. Years ago there was a comedian named Gallagher who said something very funny. He was reading a label…
Expectations & Wonder
It’s a beautiful, sunny day in Texas. There are a zillion and one things to be doing, and here I am writing on my blog. It has come to my attention, that as one gets older dreams continue. I’m so grateful for that. Dreams…visions…hope…longing… “Where there is no vision the people perish,” Pr 29:18 Now, while on the surface this…
Gloria Patri
Some days my heart feels heavy As if there is no place To feel Your hands around it, Past failures to erase. Today I sense a difference Where sunshine shatters clean, All doubts and indecisions, And every thought between. There wasn’t just one empty tomb, Where death’s defeat was known – Today I know within this heart You rolled away…