What I Wish Today
Today there is much sadness. As I listen to the nation tearing itself apart, here is my prayer…these words ring true today. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there…
Speed of Light
This post is meant to be 50% fun and 50%, “hmmmm“. Ok, Cami & Elmer – this one is for you… Years ago, I was trying to hypothesize to one of my dearest friends that if “God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all”, then perhaps when we become “like Him” we will travel at the…
Mystery of the Mind
I was thinking the other day – and in the middle of one thought, another one popped into my head. “How am I doing this?” When you pause and consider the fact that our mind is constantly moving, thinking, humming under the surface, it’s completely amazing. Scientists estimate 95% of our thoughts are not conscious. There are orders for us…
It’s the anticipation…chugging up the hill on a wooden roller coaster. Knowing…knowing it’s coming soon! The adrenaline is pumping. The expectation of the moment to come. Tomorrow is a milestone. I am bowed down and breathless. Life is a little like that? Isn’t it? Can you feel it? Walk with me on this one… Have you noticed the way the sun…
Launch Velocity
So, it was almost a year ago…I was in a frenzy of doctor’s appointments attempting to figure out “What in the Wide World of Sports is a-goin’ on here?” It was sobering. Scary. A time of intense evaluation. Reality kind of slapped me in the face, causing me to have to deal with what was happening. I’m really glad I…
Caught Unawares
It started off so innocently, just a quick trip to the store. I had a coupon! I would see if I could find a fun way to use it. So, off I went to the arts & crafts store a short distance away. I was humming as I drove, sunshine streaming through the windshield. It was a beautiful, summery August…