Let’s Hear It For Joseph…
Most people can tell you about Mary, the mother of Jesus. It’s such a remarkable story! In our Western culture, we tend not to even blink any more if a young, unmarried woman is pregnant. No big deal, right? I mean, Hollywood types do it all the time. It’s a new “normal”. Not 2,000 years ago. This was literally a…
It is nearly Christmas. A bustling, busy time filled with family and friends. It is also a time when many feel less than jolly. I wish this was not the case. Recently I read a good book about Christmas, “An Even Better Christmas” by Mark Chandler. While many of the concepts were simple and straightforward, I enjoyed the mental picture…
Wishing Well
Holly, skates and tinseled tree – Snowflakes and a sleigh, Whispers from the carols past, And time that’s flown away… The heart within me falters At remembrances so clear. Snapshots in my memory banks, Framed inside a tear. Today the ashes on the hearth, From fires’ scarves that waved, The embers in this soul of mine Lean on the One…
I was thinking about how Jesus walked with friends while He was on earth. Together, the somewhat disreputable band walked for countless miles, fished, saw miracles and learned a lot. They thought they knew Him. They probably thought the miracles they had seen were the pinnacle for this itinerant preacher. Toward the end of His time on earth, Jesus knew…
I remember what it was like before – before I began to understand God’s love. It was a restless, driven, searching time. Many days were interesting and lively yet in the end, unfulfilling. Thankfully, now it is different. Today, years have passed. Some good, some challenging. There are people who are part of the fabric of my life who are…
Moments Live
Misty fall outside the glass. See the pansies nod their heads. Hearing voices in my heart – Words upspoken, yet unsaid. And all the while the warmth of love Will sweep away the foggy rain. Every heartbeat keeping time Stirs with hope and move to gain. A smile curls up my lips in joy, As I ponder Your great gifts,…