Bathe me in Your light this day, Connect my heart in You. The swirling love surrounding me, Exists within Your truth. Hurt and sorrow slip away, I rest upon Your palms. My name is written down on them, And I will sing your Psalms. Forgiveness, hope and purpose Replace anxiety. My soul is searching, reaching out For Your eternity. Your…
Fork In The Road
This past week, I turned, as they say, another page. Is it signfificant? I really don’t know…because as hackneyed as it may sound, every day is a gift. (Thank you, Brian Butson!) So, as I sit in the quiet of a sunshine-filled living room, I can’t help but marvel at this thing we call life. There is an awareness of…
Take Two
Today is a day carved out of the calendar to honor moms. Yes. That’s wonderful, and mine was a gem. I wish I could hug her again, but she is gone from Terra Firma. She would not want me sad on this day. So…I take this moment honor another, who I lovingly call my “second Mom”. She is an intensley…
In the Morning
In the stillness, there is hope – And whispers of the truth. The burdens and anxiety Undone because of You. Uncertainties and fears, They simply slip away, Replaced by greater Good As night rolls into day. Light within and light without, Open heart and hands… Keeping all the dreams intact Where love can now expand. Nothing lost, all is gained,…
Abide – The Divine Offer
Funny how you can read a passage dozens of times, and all of the sudden something pops out and rocks your world. Such was the case over the past few days mulling over this one. “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless…
Role Model
There is an old song, “There’s a river of life flowing out of me…” What if that were really true – consistently, in abundance, without regard to personal cost? Can you imagine the impact this would have on our world? On our friends? On our familes? On our workplace? Let’s reel it back for a moment and look at a…