Belief Chemistry
Several years ago I was talking with a dear friend about walking the opposite way from Jesus – who refers to Himself as “The Light of the World”. Stay with me for a moment…Lightspeed is a fascinating concept for mere mortals such as us. Science tells us that if one were to travel at lightspeed, time would slow down or…
In a Moment
In the cool of the evening harmony was broken, The days became times of work And all creation suffered. It didn’t have to happen, It could have been prevented… A voice that lied, a single bite… It happened in a Moment. The years, they passed with ups and downs, In toil and sometimes victories. Glimmers from the Holy One…
When Jesus rode into town, he was on the back of a donkey, a colt that had yet to be ridden. There are multiple layers of meaning here. First and foremost, His appearance fulfills Scripture. If anyone or anything goes against the inerrant Word of God, watch out! Second, donkeys were not instruments of war, but of peace. When rulers…
Life is a strange series of events. In the past year we have experienced a number of things that, if asked 18 – 24 months ago, we would have probably thought they were outlandish. Crazy. Impossible. And yet, here we are. Before the Polar Vortex of 2021, I was driving home from work. I saw a number of young children…
For Dad
Growing up in rural Michigan was a time of innocence and rambunctious activity. The rolling hills were perfect to run up and sled down, and the tall, stately maples were the best for climbing. From the high perch one could imagine all sorts of things – everything from pirate ships to Cinderella’s ball. The only limit was the imagination of…
Seasons and Hope
There have been times in life when I wondered and even agonized over circumstances. The dreaded, “whys” and “if onlys” rear their ugly heads. Today there are numerous uncertainties. Our world feels fractured. It is like someone threw a rock at a mirror and there are shards and spiderwebs of glass, rather than a cohesive pane. Some are suspicious, angry…