• Photo by Dennis Buchner on Unsplash

    Smells Like Home

    I love it when I have time to play in the kitchen. Next to writing, I suppose it is my favorite pastime. Growing up in Michigan had its share of frosty days. There were times when the snow would drift, covering the lower half of the driveway, which curved like a horseshoe. That left only one way in and out.…

  • Photo by Brandon Couch on Unsplash

    From the Swings

    So many things in my head today – many about Mom and Dad. I suppose it’s because in a few days Mom will have been gone for four years. Rather than be sad, I would like to celebrate her life. I know Papa won’t be jealous. In fact, I’m quite sure he will join my little memory party. For starters,…

  • Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

    October & Cider

    It is the season of harvest moons, crickets singing and leaves changing. Growing up in Michigan, it was also apple cider weather. The cider mills, particularly Goodison, was a wonderful jaunt on a Saturday afternoon. I was thrilled to see it is still open. If you are anywhere nearby, please go – it will not disappoint! It was about half…

  • Photo by Dez Hester @DezHester on Unsplash

    A Turning Point

    It was a beautiful autumn day. One where the sun seems to fire the burnished leaves with hidden light. The sky was as blue as a sapphire, and the temperature just cool enough to encourage exploration. This day marked a turning point, had she but known it. It was the first time in her entire life where she had been,…

  • Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

    Garden in my DNA

    I’m Irish – peasant stock mostly, although my ancestors do have some “royal” blood. Not that it matters…mostly my lineage have been hard workers who persevered through difficulties and lived in honor. My Grandpa (Mom’s dad) was an avid gardener. Each year he and mom Mom would look through seed catalogues and pick out the varieties they wanted to plant…

  • Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash


    As anyone who knows me will tell you, I’m not a “numbers” kind of girl. However, this one – this seemingly bland 1467 is powerful. I have a fondness for it today because it is a number of days that are significant in my life. Let me tell you why. This not because I’m marking off on a wall calendar…