• Photo by Alan Emery on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random


    There are times when sleep is elusive. I will get an idea, a snippet of a song, a thought for a recipe or maybe attempt to work through a challenge and my mind is determined to figure it out RIGHT NOW.  Why this happens in the dark of night is a mystery! 🙂 Last night was one of those times. I had been mulling over a thorny issue and was not getting what I believed was a “success resolution” or plan. There was a whisper, a nudge in my metaphorical side, a reminder to me last night to “be anxious for nothing…” Truth be known, this is not my strong…

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    I was thinking about dreams the other day, the different kinds we experience, sleeping dreams, hopes and dreams, daydreams…you know, dreams. There are times when the semi-conscious or sleeping mind can generate such incredibly vivid things. Maybe it’s time to pay attention to what your heart and mind are saying when we aren’t so busy. I started reading an interesting article and there are several biological things that occur during sleep dreams. It’s crazy what the human body can do when we aren’t aware of what is happening. Delta waves and all that…Sleeping dreams are not the main topic of this post. I would like to mostly consider the others…

  • Photo by Anastasiya Romanova on Unsplash

    Beautiful June

    We had beautiful irises blooming along the rock hedge at the top of the hill at the farm. Mom used to call them “June Bloomers”. I didn’t know until I was several years older that they had another name…Irises. Every year when the calendar turns over to June, I think of Mom and those flowers. I love summer because the sunlight lingers. In the winter it seems the sun dashes across the sky on its way to warmer places. Thankfully, we have had rain this week. Lots of it. As I listened in the middle of the night, I wondered how much weight the sky was expelling as the downpour…

  • Photo by Megan Stallings on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    Treasured Days

    Many moments, smiles, tears, laughter and love…the memories of my Mom are strong this evening. I suppose it’s because Mother’s Day is tomorrow. I discovered that I still have text messages from her on my phone. It was a treasured find. Some asked if I was okay – one asked me to call her because she needed a little TLC. How I wish I could hit the “dial” command and hear her voice again. A hug would be awfully nice, too. I’m not maudlin or gloomy right now – merely remembering some lovely times we shared. I also received an amazing photo of my Dad from my cousin this week. It…

  • Photo by eskay lim on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    Unexpected Gifts

    Have you ever really had to wait? There are different kinds of waiting, you know. Here are a few off the top of my head… There is the kind of waiting in the “waiting room” of a surgical center to hear the report on the condition of a loved one. This one is grueling! There is the expectation of a grade on a test or an audition. Your heart is pounding, there are shivers coursing over your body as the results are revealed. There are the weeks and months of an expectant mother anticipating the arrival of her newborn. And there is the steady tread of trusting, walking and waiting…

  • Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen on Unsplash
    Meditations,  Random

    The Stillness of Holy Saturday

    I wonder what they were doing that Saturday? Were some huddled in a room somewhere terrified they would be next? Were they exhausted? Did they jump at every and any unexpected sound? From Biblical accounts, it seems this may have been the case. Were they hopeless? We tend to look at these heroes of the New Testament – the Disciples, Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary who had been set free from her past and others as larger than life. We view them from the resurrection side of history. We know how this one ends – they didn’t. Saul (who would become Paul) was likely celebrating Passover in the strict…