• Random

    Mornings with Sammy

    She stood in the cool of the morning, looking blissful. Her nose was twitching in delight, sniffing the breeze as it gently flowed. It was strange, because she did not attempt to look for anything. Her sole focus was on whatever she was smelling. The sun had recently come up, and there was fresh dew on the grass, sparkling like chips of glass. She did not care. As I watched her, she tipped her head slightly skyward, but still did not attempt to look. Our walk had come to a complete halt as Samantha put on the brakes. Her stance was alert but relaxed at the same time. I looked…

  • Random

    Beginning of July

    July always starts out bittersweet. Today is my Dad’s birthday. The memories of him are strong and fine. As I bow my head today, it is with profound gratitude that he’s my father. I mean – I had no say in the whole thing; but if I did, I wouldn’t have wanted any other. God willing, we will be together again. I’m counting on it. RG

  • Random

    Rain Day Sunday

    So today was supposed to have worked out differently. Perhaps I should have known to tread cautiously when the power went out twice – even before the thunderstorm arrived! Maybe it was a warning? Anyway, in typical “Rose” fashion, I was off to church, humming and thinking happy thoughts. Until… Ok, I’m just going to vent for a minute. Church should be a place of encouragement and enlightenment, right? I really, REALLY wish teachers who feel a burden to teach on marriage would open it up beforehand and allow those of us not in that “situation” to opt out. God has made us all different. As I sat there, struggling,…

  • Writing is Thinking
    Books,  Random

    First Book Trip

    It has been a while since I’ve written. Much has happened! Yes, Book 1 – “The Call of Love” is on Amazon. I’ve relocated to Dallas, closer to work at my “day job”. It’s been an amazing, productive and happy time. I’m truly blessed. The next big thing is an upcoming trip to Elephant Butte, NM next month! I’ll be signing books and seeing some very, very dear friends. I’m so excited – I can hardly wait. Book 4 is nearly half done! It’s my goal to have it completed by the end of this year. Also, I’m hoping to have Book 2 – “The Call to Damascus” published before…

  • Above All Else...
    General,  Random

    Heart Health

    How many times a day does our heart beat? Hopefully at least once more, right? How often do we consider what’s really inside our heart – what we believe? Our beliefs propel us in and out of situations. Our beliefs guide us and direct us. Inside our heart we store up countless memories, thoughts and desires. In my continuation of “my one word”, ALL – here is a beautiful admonition for us. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 NIV

  • Joyful Abandon
    General,  Random

    Full On

    Years ago, I picked a Hotmail address – it was Go Full On. I still have it, even though Hotmail has been assimilated into Outlook. FULL ON. Don’t do something half-way. Don’t be tepid. Give it your ALL. That’s my mantra this year. I’m all in. There is going to be no midway with me. It’s all or nothing. Carpe diem, baby! I am going to love with everything I have – write with all that is in me – sing loud, strong and happy. I’m going to play, worship and live with abandon. ” Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and…