• Poetry,  Random


    The night sky arches above me. Silent. Still. Full of life. Stars wink from countless light years away, And I can nearly touch them. “Do you feel them?” I ask my dog. Of course, she doesn’t answer. While the cool, quiet night surrounds me, I only feel the life. Tonight, I raise my arms and know… Eternity is here. – RG  

  • Random

    Adjusted Attitude

    It was a conversation in the middle of the night…mostly one-sided. For some reason, I dredged up something awful that had happened to Mom a few years ago. She was ripped off – stolen from, in fact. As I tossed and turned, I played it over and over in my head. I started to become angry. Then, I began to pray. It wasn’t an immediate breakthrough. It took a while. Me, listing the litany of “wrongs”, questioning “why”. After a time, I began to ask God to change my perception. I asked for my thoughts to center on Him, His goodness, beauty and perfection. I asked, “Please help me God…

  • Journeys,  Random

    Down to a Science

    Dallas has been – oh, so good to me! I’m so blessed and grateful for friends, memories and almost 4 years here. In just a little over a week, my peaceful, beautiful apartment will be upside-down with moving boxes. I’m trying to ignore it. I enjoy the aesthetic beauty of my surroundings. No doubt about it. In a few, short days, Sammy and I will be on the road again. Look out, Willie Nelson, we will be joining you! 🙂 The transition to the new job seems to be going smoothly. Of course it’s only been a week. There is a lot to learn. I love to contribute! Yesterday was…

  • Random

    Autumn’s Changes

    It’s been over a month since Mom passed away. I have been somewhat dreading the impending holidays. Why? Because they will be different. But then, as I consider the truth – every day is different from its predecessor. So, why should I be surprised at this? Yes, it’s more extreme…but if I honestly believe what I say I believe, then it will all be fine. After all, grace is only dispensed when needed. So, rather than focus on the changes, or even refer to it as a loss, I’m choosing to be thankful. Autumn, you see, is a time for nature to take a collective breath and prepare for an…

  • Random

    Simple Things

    There are things in life that bring a smile and reinforce its beauty… The smell of baking bread, A funny text from a friend, Freshly laundered sheets, Prayers answered, Swirling cloud formations, Your dog’s welcome home, A favorite song on the radio, Love that doesn’t stop, And flowers that seem to sing. Yeah – that was my Saturday. The simple things are so beautiful it takes my breath away. – RG  

  • Random

    Accentuate the Positive…

    There was a song in the 40’s written and performed by Johnny Mercer. (If you haven’t ever listened to his music, give it a whirl!). The first line says – “You’ve got to accentuate the positive – eliminate the negative…” Amen to that! I was talking with a couple of friends recently and we were wondering how two negative words (“No Problem”) could come to mean “It’s All Good”. Seriously? Can we please rethink that concept for a moment? So… I’m making a conscious decision to retool my thoughts and words to give an strong emphasis on positive. Instead of “barking up the wrong tree”, how about if I’m barking…