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    Make Way

    It is Holy Week – a very important part of the calendar for those who believe in Jesus as Savior. So, what was Jesus doing on Monday before He went to the cross? Yesterday, people were whooping it up in the streets, lining the route with palms and ready to acknowledge Him as King. Now it is Monday. Today historians and the Bible say He cleared the Temple. This is interesting, because Jesus did not seem “put off” or repulsed by sinners (fisherman, tax collectors, harlots) or those who were “unclean” (lepers, the woman with the issue of blood, dead people like Lazarus or Jairus’ daughter). Yet, there was something…

  • Journeys,  Random


    I didn’t realize how easy it is to ignore things my body was literally blaring at me. How is it possible to overlook an extra 27-pound cyst that was growing like crazy? I don’t know, but I sure did it. It started before I even knew. I think, in actuality, this thing was growing from about the time I moved to Texas in 2014. Yeah. Almost 4 years. When I look at how God worked in this, it is really amazing. First of all, He provided a lucrative consulting job for me in downtown Dallas. So, I moved from Prosper, Texas into downtown Dallas. Of course, before I had the…

  • Journeys,  Random


    It’s been a few years since I packed up the U-Haul and pulled out of “Dodge” in New Mexico. At that moment, I was sad and still had my eyes on the horizon. Today, I have hope again. After all, “the earth is the Lord’s”, right? Right. I’ve been studying about prayer, attitudes and focus (not all in the same places, mind you). It has come to my attention that complications and obstacles don’t necessarily mean, “NO”. I am happy to say we are in a restart. This is good. We will prevail. – RG

  • Journeys,  Random

    It’s Right There!

    Sometimes you can read the same passage and see something new. I don’t know how many times I’ve read or heard the 23 Psalm. Today, however, something new and wonderful happened. “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” Psalm 23:1 NIV Nothing. I lack nothing. Really? Really! It’s right there in front of my face. What a great way to start a Monday, with the reaffirmation that the best Shepherd is out in front and I lack nothing because of Him. Because of His great love. Because He cares for me – and you. Now, that’s something – or someone – to celebrate. – RG  

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    Cozy Sunday

    Today is cloudy and blustery. A short time ago it was sleeting. Not exactly spring weather… But there is good news! There are moments that make us slow down and smell the…soup! Sammy and I had just come in from a nice walk when the ice came in. It was all the encouragement I needed to make a nice cup of cocoa and let the world go by. I’m listening to Brahms and Beethoven, thankful for warmth and comfort. If we take time to count our blessings, we don’t have time to complain. – RG

  • Journeys,  Random

    Yes! It’s Done

    The wonder of it all is setting in. Many, many changes have happened in the past months. Today, as I pen this, the enormity of several of them is apparent. Of course, I wish Mom and Dad were with me. Maybe they are, and I just can’t see them? However, I know the spirit of my new place is filled with joy, and love and beauty. I sure know where those come from! Today, gratitude fills my heart. “Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed,…