What’s It Going To Be?
What if you could change something about yourself – anything. What would it be? Money? Fame? Appearance? I would like to light up the hidden recesses of my heart. Blast the dark corners with holy light. Clean the closets of my mind. Years ago there was a comedian named Gallagher who said something very funny. He was reading a label on a product to remove mildew. The label cautioned, “Use in a well ventilated area.” He quipped, “If it was well ventilated, I wouldn’t have MILDEW!” So true, and funny. He also mentioned the “permanent press” setting on an iron and the door locks on 24-hour a day stores like…
Expectations & Wonder
It’s a beautiful, sunny day in Texas. There are a zillion and one things to be doing, and here I am writing on my blog. It has come to my attention, that as one gets older dreams continue. I’m so grateful for that. Dreams…visions…hope…longing… “Where there is no vision the people perish,” Pr 29:18 Now, while on the surface this verse may seem to be a right and tight, pithy slogan for developing a vision statement or having some sort of leadership guidance in place. I’m sure that is one way this may be applied; however, the primary intent is for us to understand God’s will. The Creator. The Giver…
Memories & Dreams
The minutes nearly stopped when the recollections appeared, Fleeting images of a child chasing clues to find The hidden Easter basket. A treasure hunt! It was on. Today, driving in the dark, The memories were sure and swift – One after the other, in rapid succession. I know the longing, the missing will one day cease. We will be together with laughter and joy. My dreams create a picture that is elusive, yet precious. Even though it is not so today, These recollections will melt into a new reality… Because of Him. A perfect eternal present, replacing the past – Hidden and held in His endless heart, Destiny’s dreams. –…
I Wonder
What was it like when the Son of Man had not yet been resurrected? I wonder… There has never been a time in our lives when we had to deal with the circumstances surrounding the pre-resurrection. Of course Jesus had told his disciples time and again what was going to happen. They simply could not get their minds to grasp it. Before they encountered the Risen Lord, there may have been fear, depression, anxiety and maybe hopelessness. Certainly the powers of darkness thought they had scored a big win. Were the disciples exhausted and despondent? I wonder… Then, “while it was still dark” Mary and the other women went to…
In the Silence
It’s Wednesday. No specific details are written in the Bible about what Jesus and His disciples were doing on this day. Have you ever experienced it when God is actually silent in your life? When He doesn’t seem to be speaking, moving or involved? Use this example to know He was still moving. Still continuing on the path He would ultimately say, “Not my will…” He is still putting it all on the line for you and me. He is going forward, because He never changes. If it’s quiet today, take the time to listen deeply. You might be surprised what you hear. – RG
Tale of the Tree
So – it’s Tuesday. Jesus hasn’t blinked as He continues His trek to the cross. He probably hasn’t slept either. One thing He had done is curse a fig tree the day before. Today, as the disciples and Jesus walked by, they were stunned. The tree that had not produced fruit for the Son of Man was now withered – from the roots up. Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m a farm girl. When a tree gets sick and dies, it starts from the top down. Not this time. This time the tree had died at the source. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those…