My Girl
Some people might say my girl is spoiled…I say, naw! She’s not spoiled. She is loved. Sammy is a rescue dog, which is a fancy way of saying I got her at the Pound. She was still young, covered in downy fur with that same expression in her dark eyes. I thought she looked adorable and sweet. Little did I know Red Heelers (of which she is a part) can be notoriously stubborn. I think I heard somewhere pets resemble their owners? I wonder what that means? LOL. It’s hard to believe she is 10! The years have really flown. In this picture she is watching out the windows, looking…
Random Things – Maybe Not
Today is uniquely special. I have so much to be thankful for, it’s overwhelming. First of all, I’m breathing in and out. What is this thing we call life? Oh sure, we can parrot, “I think therefore, I am.” It’s more than that. I feel and love, therefore my soul exists. And beyond that – it is connected with others. Together we form the DNA strand of the Body of Christ. We are not alone (yes I say that as a single woman). We are never alone because God is with us at all times. Today, as I have a milestone birthday, I honor those who have gone before me and laid the…
Out on a Limb
Life is so interesting, don’t you think? Out of a random conversation, I sent an MP3 of some of my stuff to my boss. His reaction was really funny. I am smiling thinking about his stuttering and nearly catatonic state as he listened to the guitar, drums and generally heavy rock songs. “What is happening here?” Oh my gosh! So, I have decided, with encouragement from friends to post some of my tunes. They were recorded several years ago…I’d like to give credit to a few folks. Tim True – Bass John Allen – Guitar-man Doug Agee – Production and Tympani Cipriano Garcia – Sax Extraordinaire! There are others, too…
Be Still
Yesterday there was slashing rain, thunder, lighting, hail and lots of wind. If one looked outdoors, it would be easy to think today would be more of the same. Not true. Today is a picture-perfect spring day. The skies are as blue as they can possibly be. Birds are singing. In the distance dogs are barking. People are playing on the lawn. What a difference a day makes! And yes, there is a lesson in here for my heart and brain. I will hold fast to this when doubts arise. I was having a conversation with a couple of friends about fear and worry (Both of which are exercises in…
Spontaneous Life
So…I have a friend staying with me. She’s one of my dearest friends. It was unexpected, and happened rather suddenly. It has also been extended longer than either of us anticipated. And you know what? It’s lovely. Who knew? I’m so thankful that in the course of life there are random happenings that we ourselves haven’t scripted. It’s like the beautiful sunset that takes your breath away, or the clouds passing over the moon on a summer night. It’s the music of life with a melody that captures your heart. Spontaneous Life. Sure, it’s good to plan, perfect, prepare. All of it. But on days like this, I’m just glad…
So Happy #243
It’s been 243 days since I headed to Baylor and major surgery. I almost can’t believe the time has flown by so quickly. Today, as I trotted along on the elliptical stepper, I felt whole. It is amazing. Last year at this time I couldn’t figure out what was going on, and honestly, I didn’t really want to know. Silly, right? Anyway, today as the sweat ran down my neck, I smiled. My time is decreasing, my miles increasing. It feels really good. I’m so thankful! I am strong. I am well. I am healthy…and “…I will rejoice in the LORD! I will be joyful in the God of my…