• Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

    The Little Things

    Maybe it’s my imagination…but the interactions I have shared with strangers in the past days have been so kind and thoughtful. It is the antithesis of some of the outbursts I’ve seen online. I just want to share a couple, because they warmed my heart, and maybe they will encourage you, too. At the feed store the clerk asked if he could carry my purchase to my car. I didn’t take him up on the offer, but it was very kind of him! I wrestled the dog food to the trunk of my car with a smile on my face. I needed to go to the post office to ship…

  • Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    And now…

    How can I ever begin to thank the people who are my parents? From them I learned so many things – too many to begin to mention. As I begin another year, I give thanks. So grateful they taught me strong. What I mean by that is they did not waver in their values. They lived their life by the same words they taught us. Always. Consistently. Their beliefs were built on a sure foundation. Because it was strong, they could be, too. And God, You chose to send me to them. How can I begin to thank You? I miss them fiercely, although I am glad they are not here to see some…

  • Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    Isolation…Truth and Today

    It’s been a crazy few weeks. Our country and many across the globe have been in an uproar over COVID 19. Sadly, many people have fallen victim to it, whether physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually. Or yeah, all of the above. Where did it come from? Where is it going? Why is it here? When will it stop? The questions keep coming. The answers vary from day to day. Mixed signals. Confusion. Fear. Let’s get off the merry-go-round for a moment. This I know. Very early on, God said, “it is not good for Man to be alone…” And he wasn’t just talking about Adam and Eve in my opinion.…

  • Photo by Mike Kenneally on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    In the Night

    It’s that time of shifting shadows, walking dreams and whispers of the heart. Not fully awake. Not really asleep. That’s where I was…with the kind of awareness that gets blotted out by too much noise, devices or the duties and demands of the day. There were fragments of regret, suspended and suppressed longings. Mostly there was a sense of trust and gratitude. I know there are times that the presence of God is “very present“. Early, early this morning was one of those times. In a world that revolves on its axis and now swirls with fear and anxiety, these moments put all of those things on pause. There have…

  • Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random

    Moments of Life

    I had thought to write more consistently at the beginning of this year, and then several things happened to alter my plans. It is sobering to think how life can seem so grueling on some days, and then the next thing you know it might be over. Strange, isn’t it? Such was January 3rd. Now today, here I am on a Sunday afternoon watching the rain drops spattering on the sidewalk. Our lives are a bit like that, aren’t they? I mean, we may have grandiose ideas, big plans, hopes and desires that are glorious. Do we fade like a simple splash, melting into obscurity? Oh no! I don’t think…

  • Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
    Journeys,  Random


    It’s time once again to bid another year adieu. It’s hard to believe! The last 12 months have certainly been an adventure. That much is certain! As I sit typing this in the comfort of my favorite chair, I think back on the seen and unseen things that have shaped my life this past year. Reflection can be a good thing. I’ve decided to embrace the word “Create” this year. It certainly seems appropriate as I look at my calendar for the first quarter of 2020! Already I can see that I will be traveling to various parts of the country – many of which I’ve never been, or haven’t…