So Much More…
God is vast, a mystery that cannot truly be completely understood, or He would not be infinite, eternal, Omni-Everything. This is pivotal because we are created “in His image”. We have His stamp in us – His name written on our DNA. That means we will continue on a trajectory of always growing, always learning, always creating, always loving, and spreading light. For, “in Him there is no shadow at all.” That in itself is mind-bending because every physical object will cast a shadow. He transcends this physical limitation! So does our soul – AKA essence. Fact. Jesus says, “God is love”. Ok, so that’s a big claim, isn’t it?…
The Eye of the Beholder
It was Sunday morning, and the sun had yet to make an appearance. As I stepped outside, the coyotes were celebrating just a little too near for my peace of mind, so I went back inside to get some coffee. A couple minutes later, I headed back out and saw the first hints of red washing on the horizon line. The bluff I was standing on is on our property at slightly over 1,100 feet up. The Brazos River is below, as well as a ranch with pasturelands that are verdant after several days of rain. At that moment, they were still cloaked in the final remains of the night.…
I wonder what it would be like if we could feel the momentum and energy that is hurtling earth around the sun and spinning us in space like a dervish every day? We travel around the sun at 18.5 miles per second. Goodness! And, we also revolve at 1,000 miles per hour in our 24-hour cycle. That’s a lot of ground we cover moment by moment, day by day and year by year. It makes me dizzy just thinking about it. The fact that we can stand up, walk, get in our cars and drive, live our lives and do simple things such as breathing while speeding through time and…
The Weaver
The day was young, with gleaming sunlight playing across a field. Nearby was a copse of hardwood trees. As she walked closer, there were tall wildflowers with abundant colors. Approaching the wooded area, the sunlight suddenly shifted, as if on a swivel. What she saw as a result of the changing light made her catch her breath. There, directly in front of her were hundreds and thousands of spider webs, now fully revealed in the morning sun. The longer she looked, the more webs there were. It was a remarkable display of architecture and effort. The webs were constructed in such a way that it would be impossible to pass…
It’s funny how a day can come and go and blur into the next without leaving an overt telltale mark. In hindsight, if one will look back, it is as though a series of legos or building blocks have stacked up creating our reality, our world, our life. Seconds turn into minutes, hours, days and eventually years. Then there are those defining times we call “moments“. They may be mountaintop experiences or “the valley of the shadow of death“. I actually love that death is described in Psalm 23 as merely a shadow. On its own a shadow has no substance. It can neither affect or inititate anything. Much like…
Take Two
Today is a day carved out of the calendar to honor moms. Yes. That’s wonderful, and mine was a gem. I wish I could hug her again, but she is gone from Terra Firma. She would not want me sad on this day. So…I take this moment honor another, who I lovingly call my “second Mom”. She is an intensley private person, so I’ll call her “Emmie”. [Not her real name.] Emmie has been there for me through thick and thin over the past years. She has prayed for me, laughed with me, cried with me and helped me on my way. Her spirit and mind are strong and astute.…