Hold On
Anyone who knows me at all will tell you that I’m energetic and want things done now. NOW – do you hear me? Now!
This persistent behavior at times hinders my ability to be patient. Patience is not one of my “out front” attributes – and I confess this with chagrin. In some things, I’m very patient – for instance with my plants. I love them, coddle them, feed them and love watching them unfold in their time and season. Each variety has its own clock, its own program it dances to – and yes, I mean dance. Just look how they position themselves as they grow. It’s a botanical ballet. And there is such joy in the waiting and watching them unfurl.
Which brings me to the book of James.
“Be patient, therefore, brothers, until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.” James 5: 7-9 ESV
Oh boy. There it is – right there in black and white. I can even relate to the whole farming example. No wiggle room there.
As I prayed about it, really prayed and asked God what He wants me to do., it was one of those times I actually received an answer. Funny, it rolled out immediately. Ironic, don’t you think, when I was asking about patience? How do I know it was an answer? Because it wasn’t something I would have ever come up with. Short, sweet, powerful and full of promise…
“Hold onto Me and hold on.”
That was it.
The more I think about it – yes, it’s been replaying in my head for 24 hours – the more it makes complete sense and fills in all the gaps. After all, who is more trustworthy? Noone.
Are you feeling discouraged, frazzled, or maybe just uncertain in your steps? I give you this promise – because it certainly isn’t for me alone. God is a loving Father to all his children, regardless of whether they “get it” or not. This one can be yours, too.
Let’s do this together.
– RG ♥

One Comment
That’s so good, Rose. And that’s God.