Simple Things
Many people are starting to gear up for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. There is a nearly tangible expectation in the air – in spite of the uncertainties making noise in our world. Others may even be dreading this time of year. It can definitely be a mixture of bitter and sweet.
I have been thinking a lot about it, hoping the true foundations of the season will be the focus this year instead of the trappings. Oh, don’t get me wrong – I love to decorate and put up my lights as much as the next person. In fact, I told my sister yesterday that sometimes I still feel about 10.
What I’m talking about is the eternal nature of things like love, hope, peace and joy. Joy is an intricate word. It has some 35 different Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible. Here is a good post on them. It’s not the purpose of this writing to ferret out the meanings, although I recommend you dig further. This post is to ask you a question – what is your focus going to be this holy season? What will you spend this Thanksgiving? Tell me – how much?
Now, before you jump to conclusions, let me clarify what I mean.
Will you be busy? Dutch Sheets wrote and spoke on the busy-ness of Martha. I can relate. My life is a series of calendar events! 🙂 However, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and just soaked Him in. I’ll bet she never regretted that decision. Can you picture it? Leaning against the knee of Jesus? Listening to His every word?
For those who have lost a loved one, the moments you spent with them, actively pursuing their company is a profound blessing when they are no longer available on this side. Start there this season. Start with deliberately choosing to be with those you love. Spend time.
Is there someone in your life you need to forgive? Even if they “don’t deserve it”? Hurt, whether physical or emotional, is powerful thing. It can linger in our lives causing all types of disruption. If you are unable to forgive, consider asking God to help you to “want to” forgive. Not for someone else, strictly for you. Your physical, mental and emotional health will be better, brighter and stronger. Spend forgiveness.
Each person has unique gifts and abilities. You were placed here at this particular time, with this set of people. It is not a coincidence, happenstance or a cosmic big bang that landed you here. You make a difference in the world, just because you are you. Lavishly give of yourself and watch what happens! Spend you.
“Today you are You,
that is truer than true.
There is no one alive
who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss
– RG

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