October & Cider
It is the season of harvest moons, crickets singing and leaves changing. Growing up in Michigan, it was also apple cider weather. The cider mills, particularly Goodison, was a wonderful jaunt on a Saturday afternoon. I was thrilled to see it is still open. If you are anywhere nearby, please go – it will not disappoint!
It was about half an hour or so from the farm. Complete with winding roads, hills and splashes of color everywhere, the trip itself was beautiful. And then…to top it off, the cider mill was the destination! The fragrance of freshly pressed apples and sizzling cinnamon donuts filled the air. The donuts were small bundles of cinnamon-sugar covered bliss. It may sound like a strange combination to the uninitiated, but let me tell you – the memory of the sheer deliciousness is strong.
Autumn is a time where the deciduous trees begin to slumber, and flocks fly south. The days are shorter, and the nights longer. Sandals are exchanged for boots, and jackets are needed. There is a chill in the air.
In these days, it is good to remember there is One on whom we can fully rely. His ways are trustworthy and steadfast. He will not waver. He does not fear. He does not cower or tremble. He is sovereign and perfect. His plans will come to pass as intended. And best of all, He loves us.
Meditate on this, for it is true because He is True.
“Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any God besides me? No, there is no other Rock; I know not one.” Isaiah 44:8 NIV
Rejoice! Go grab a glass of cold cider. Hug your family. Sing! Laugh! God’s got this…He surely does.
– RG