Garden in my DNA
I’m Irish – peasant stock mostly, although my ancestors do have some “royal” blood. Not that it matters…mostly my lineage have been hard workers who persevered through difficulties and lived in honor.
My Grandpa (Mom’s dad) was an avid gardener. Each year he and mom Mom would look through seed catalogues and pick out the varieties they wanted to plant in the coming season. That usually started in January when the weather outside would make even us northerners want to hibernate. Then, it was up to Dad to design and layout the garden. Being an accomplished draftsman, he did this flawlessly. The rows were straight and precise, the spacing perfect. The results from these three (after countless hours weeding, watering, hoeing, pruning) was not only a feast for the eyes, but for the basement freezer and shelves.
Which brings me to yesterday.
Sometimes life in the city is a bit wearing. So much concrete, stop signs, and feats of civil engineering. I long for the rambling spaces of the farm where I grew up.
Yesterday was lovely because I went to a nearby nursery and bought new flowers and plants to spruce up my backyard pots. The sun was warm, the breeze was light. A butterfly met me as I began the task of prepping the pots to receive their new brethren. It was dirty, sweaty, blessed work and I loved every second of it. It was almost like digging in the earth brought me back to my roots. The potato farmers are deep within my soul, I’m afraid! I hope they are never eradicated.
Now, as I walk out the back door, I can see God’s handiwork in the beauty of the colors and variety in the plants gracing my patio. While it might not be “The Haven” (our 5 acres outside of ‘Dodge’), it’s still a boon to the Michigan farmer girl transplanted near DFW, Texas. I’m grateful God decided to make all kinds of plants, aren’t you?
“Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.” Luke 12:27 NLT
Bloom where you are planted!