Nothing Hidden
Today I was listening to a very informative message on the “unseen” dimensions or worlds that surround us. Some may cringe at the concept. I do not find that hard to believe or even imagine. After all, I do not see electricity, unless it is in a bolt of lightning, yet it’s very easy to see its effects. I suppose picturing these forces uses the same part of my brain that writes fiction. You may think I’m whacked, and that’s ok. 🙂
I recognize there are two distinct spiritual worlds – both light and dark. Each clamors for the souls of Man. The original movie Star Wars painted an analogy of the forces of good versus evil. There is a rub for me in it, though, in that in their portrayal these opposite forces were nearly equal. This is not the case. Far from it, in fact.
If you are a Bible-believing sort, there is only One who is “Omni”-anything; that being the LORD Most High. Evil simply cannot stand in His presence. “Every knee will bow…” His holiness has no compare. Quite simply, He cannot be measured.
Again, as I listened, I felt / heard/ saw – not sure how to describe it, some powerful forces related to the mighty spiritual world swirling unseen around us. There are those who may hope or think their actions remain behind closed doors, unseen and therefore unknown. There will be no consequences, no repercussions. This is also not the case. I believe there is a mighty move of God – a tsunami, really, about to be released…
Fire. Light. Wind. Water. Elements originating from the throne of the Most High. Holy Spirit moving unimpeded. Sweeping away darkness. Cleansing sin. Revealing the hidden things. Offering hope and breaking the darkness permanently.
“For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light.” Mark 4:22 NKJV
Yes, and Amen.
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“For there is nothing hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to light.” Mark 4:22 NKJV

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