What I Saw
Last night I had the most intense dream I’ve had in a few years. Was it a dream? Not sure.
Mom was here. She was totally herself – and more. I loved seeing her. She was whirling and happy and full of life. She was dressed to the hilt! She looked beautiful – and happy. And still, she let me know she was here for me. Somehow she knew I needed her.
Every moment today I have felt like if I turned quickly enough, I could catch a glimpse of her. Three years. She will be gone three years in a week and a half. I will never get “used to it”. I will never adjust, because in God’s plan we were never architected to die. On the other hand, seeing her today I realize she is truly in a better place. What she showed me was glorious.
So, today was a day a I shared with Mom. Apart from email, invoices and work (which I love). For some reason Mom knew I needed her smart, crazy, stubborn influence. Her dad nicknamed her “Alleluia” – which he lengthened from Alice / Al. It’s funny, really – because nicknames are normally shorter. Not Mom’s. She gets the whole enchilada. And she deserves it.
Thanks for being here. I know you are….