Alone and Not
We are all going through this COVID thing together. I have very strong feelings about that, but because people I love very dearly believe the opposite of me, I will keep those opinions to myself. A COVID rant not the purpose of this post.
As many of you know, I’m single. That is a peculiar thing sometimes. I’m not complaining – please don’t think that, just stating a fact. There are times I feel like a three-legged dog or something. A curiosity. Not quite in sync with the rest of the planet.
And you know what? That’s true. Most things in life and nature work in pairs, in tandem. There’s duality. Now, let me tell you a bit more of what I’ve learned in the past few months of this person’s “single” journey.
I am never alone. Ever. My faith and its foundation tells me that. I believe it completely.
Right now Christianity is being attacked on a number of fronts. A lot of that is because it is misunderstood – sometimes by those of us who claim we are one. I saw a great interview with Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer, Marin Luther and other fantastic books. Metaxas is a scholar, researcher and a “CS Lewis” of our day. His analysis is that Christians and Christian leaders need to understand their Bible. Gee, what a concept!
Anyway, back to being alone. I’m not alone, because God says He’s with me. And I’m with Him. It’s like a big continuum. For those of you who are lonely, or worried, even if you aren’t single – take a deep breath. Whether or not you realize it, God is with you, too. He is faithful and true. He is just and merciful. And yes, He is holy.
Three legged dogs can get around pretty well. It may not always be pretty. They may not win the Greyhound races, but they can be great dogs. I know someone who has a three-legged cat, and he does fine, too. (Even if he is a cat!)
It’s okay to be different. It’s fine, in fact. The main thing is we are all here for a purpose. Even if we disagree. Even when we are different.
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Eph 2:10 NLT
– RG