So Much More…
God is vast, a mystery that cannot truly be completely understood, or He would not be infinite, eternal, Omni-Everything. This is pivotal because we are created “in His image”. We have His stamp in us – His name written on our DNA. That means we will continue on a trajectory of always growing, always learning, always creating, always loving, and spreading light. For, “in Him there is no shadow at all.” That in itself is mind-bending because every physical object will cast a shadow. He transcends this physical limitation!
So does our soul – AKA essence. Fact.
Jesus says, “God is love”. Ok, so that’s a big claim, isn’t it? And it really skews the limited definition we typically have for love. I submit to you that love, is really physics. It’s an actual “thing” – like gravity, light, energy and so on. We have misjudged love by making it into a Hallmark day. (Actually, maybe that was a strategy to confuse, IDK) Anyway, I believe love is THE most powerful principle in the universe, for if that is how God labels Himself, and He bestows THAT GIFT to us. We are the standard bearers and the trusted distributors of it at this time.
We are the living, breathing conduit in this life to give and receive love freely and generously.
Love, by its very nature will cleanse, free, redeem, restore, and propel us to dimensions we have heretofore never imagined. All we have to do is be open to this new understanding that love isn’t a feeling, it isn’t a commitment, it isn’t a desire fulfilled: it’s a foundational part of the fabric of this thing we call life – because without it, there is no God, there is no consciousness or subconsciousness, there is no you – nor me. The energy we emit when we recognize and embrace this will actually physically change our world. It’s strange, in a way, that a non-physical thing can alter our dimensional reality – consider lightning. It certainly does. And so does real love.
Love wipes away sorrow, grief, and guilt. Because guilt cannot stand or abide in the presence of Love.
Love repairs weariness, exhaustion, and doubt. Because love covers a “multitude of sins” and makes them non-existent.
Love brings amnesia to past mistakes. Because its energy is new moment-by-moment and tirelessly positive.
Love blasts away the strangleholds of limitations. Because God is infinite, and we are called by His Name.
Love erases all fear. Because in Love, there is unabridged energy to fulfill our destiny – eternally.
Love cannot fail. Because there are never faults of any kind in Perfection Itself.