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The Eye of the Beholder

It was Sunday morning, and the sun had yet to make an appearance. As I stepped outside, the coyotes were celebrating just a little too near for my peace of mind, so I went back inside to get some coffee.

A couple minutes later, I headed back out and saw the first hints of red washing on the horizon line.

The bluff I was standing on is on our property at slightly over 1,100 feet up. The Brazos River is below, as well as a ranch with pasturelands that are verdant after several days of rain. At that moment, they were still cloaked in the final remains of the night.

The momentum of the sunrise is something that is really startling when you stand and pay attention to it. Things change as quickly as you can capture them on camera. It’s thrilling.

As I stood there listening to nature wake up, it occurred to me how incredibly blessed I am. The earth before me was simply beautiful going through its daily paces. I am so thankful I grew up in the country and am aware of the nuances of Mother Earth. I long for it when I’m in the city. This, this was a bit of heaven.

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

– Rose

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