I wonder what it would be like if we could feel the momentum and energy that is hurtling earth around the sun and spinning us in space like a dervish every day? We travel around the sun at 18.5 miles per second. Goodness! And, we also revolve at 1,000 miles per hour in our 24-hour cycle. That’s a lot of ground we cover moment by moment, day by day and year by year. It makes me dizzy just thinking about it.
The fact that we can stand up, walk, get in our cars and drive, live our lives and do simple things such as breathing while speeding through time and space is stunning. The cosmos we live in, and the fabric of our souls are constantly in motion. It’s mind boggling when you think about it.
Which brings me to something that may seem unrelated…I don’t believe it is.
Our daily lives, this time we are given, and where we choose go…Each day we have choices, and we make decisions. Some may seem mundane, routine or even dreary. Some, we are, by necessity compelled to decide. Others may be adventurous and exciting! What if all of our opportunities have been orchestrated? What if our journey is a giant whoosh of light? What if we, by our very nature are really the souls that Christianity (AKA the Bible) says we are? That God created and intends (tense here intentional) for us to be? What if our DNA really does reveal God’s name and shows His fingerprints within us?
There is much unrest and division in our world these days. There is suspicion, anger, animosity, and tragically, violence. Because I’m an encourager by design, I am choosing to “accentuate the positive” today. Let’s think about this for a moment.
In the midst of this November, I will assert a reality for me. God is real. He is available. He desires to be actively participating in our lives. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” James 4:8a ESV. Do you see it? With this very vivid picture of us having the ability to move toward God (physics), there is also a demonstrable promise of reciprocity on God’s part to move toward us! We are not in a vacuum, hopelessly rushing through the Aether. We are not an evolutionary happenstance. No, we have been created for a purpose and an eternity.
If that doesn’t cheer you up, float your boat, or cause you to want to give homage, I urge you meditate on it a little longer. Where there is love, there is hope. Where there is love, there is life. These are representatives of the character of God who loves us and is standing by. Draw near.
Put a little more oomph into your orbit. DRAW. NEAR.
He will keep his promises. He always does.
– RG

Beautiful, as always. Spot on, my friend. Love you.
This means a lot from you! Thank you! Love you back.
Wow! Well said.. indeed encouraging!
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Just amazing