It’s funny how a day can come and go and blur into the next without leaving an overt telltale mark. In hindsight, if one will look back, it is as though a series of legos or building blocks have stacked up creating our reality, our world, our life.
Seconds turn into minutes, hours, days and eventually years. Then there are those defining times we call “moments“. They may be mountaintop experiences or “the valley of the shadow of death“. I actually love that death is described in Psalm 23 as merely a shadow. On its own a shadow has no substance. It can neither affect or inititate anything. Much like an echo, it is simply a phantom with no inherent power. Death, where is thy sting?
The past couple of weeks have been a serious adjustment because of the loss of my fur ball Sammy. What a valiant girl she was! I dragged her from pillar to post – from New Mexico to Florida to New Mexico again and finally to 5 different places in Texas during our 15 years together. Sturdy, capabale, protective…not exactly a social puppy, but surely loyal to me. Perfect, actually.
And some things you just can’t script. I have been baby-sitting, or dog-sitting a couple of the cutest Schnauzer-Yorkie mixes I affectionately call, “The Littles”. They are cuddy, sweet and occassionally clowns. Sammy was amused by their antics and didn’t bat an eye when they visit. In fact, she perked up a lot. God doesn’t orchestrate coincidences. Nope.
Both of the Littles, (Lollee and Izzee) were staying here the night I had to put Sammy down. Walking in the house at 1:30 or 1:45 AM, whatever it was would have been hideously empty but for them. They have been like glue ever since. In fact, one sat on my lap with her head by my heart staring at me – direct eye contact mind you – for the first 2 hours after I got home. Since then, they both have been watchful, cheerful little companions that have bouyed my spirits and touched my soul.
God, in His vast, immeasurable mercy does provide a way when the road gets bumpy. I encourage you today, look for the silver lining He provides. Lean into His mercies. The gratitude I feel for how He somehow organized all these details to help my Sammy-girl not to suffer and me as well, is miraculous. You may be in a rough spot now – rememember, this valley is only a shadow. There will be sunshine on the mountain top.
– RG

One Comment
I am so sorry, dear friend. I didn’t know. But now I know what you meant last week…praying for you. ♥️