Role Model
There is an old song, “There’s a river of life flowing out of me…” What if that were really true – consistently, in abundance, without regard to personal cost? Can you imagine the impact this would have on our world? On our friends? On our familes? On our workplace?
Let’s reel it back for a moment and look at a few “fly over” verses in the book of John.
When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her also weeping, he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled. And he said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept. John 11: 33-35 ESV
Jesus felt such intense anguish that He broke down. He “lost it”. God, in the form of man, cried. Apparently He did so in such an obvious manner that it made others pause in wonder and discuss how much He loved His friend Lazarus. BUT – It was more than that…these tears were about the overall toll disobedience plays, and the havoc it spreads across humanity. This was no simple pity party Jesus was having. His tears were a soul-deep, wrenching knowledge of the plight people have without redemption and resurrection life. Separation and death come in many forms, all of which cause sorrow and grief. Of course He wept, for He saw and understood the magnitude of it all.
And He is our role model.
Jesus never partitioned Himself off to “protect” Himself from rejection, insult, injury, or emotional and physical pain. How could this be? Why was the perfect Son of God willing to leave His heart open like this? What is our response to such an example?
Today, as I consider this, I realize as a follower of Christ, I must do no less. The alternative is to shut down that “river of life”, effectively damming the flow of love and care that should flow enencumbered. Being willing to have an open heart is trusting the One who laid down His life. He is trustworthy. He is able to see us through. We can do all things through Him…
Let the river flow!
– RG

And what a role model He is!
That’s really good, Rose!
Thank you so much!