I was thinking about dreams the other day, the different kinds we experience, sleeping dreams, hopes and dreams, daydreams…you know, dreams. There are times when the semi-conscious or sleeping mind can generate such incredibly vivid things. Maybe it’s time to pay attention to what your heart and mind are saying when we aren’t so busy.
I started reading an interesting article and there are several biological things that occur during sleep dreams. It’s crazy what the human body can do when we aren’t aware of what is happening. Delta waves and all that…Sleeping dreams are not the main topic of this post. I would like to mostly consider the others – hopes and dreams coupled with daydreams and how we need them now more than ever.
What are your dreams? I believe they are important, regardless of age. They are valuable and should be appreciated. Joseph, in the Old Testament, was mocked by his brothers who referred to him as “the dreamer“, a term they used in derision. Later, his family would come to realize Joseph’s dreams were uncannily accurate. Should Joseph had shared them as he did? That is an open question.
Nikola Tesla dreamt of all kinds of inventions that, at the time, seemed impossible. Some thought him quite mad. Today, we are on the cusp of seeing some, such as wireless signals, fulfilled. It will be interesting to see if Tesla’s dream of free electricity for everyone will ever come to pass. I suppose that will depend on whether the good of humanity is placed over profits.
Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous, “I Have a Dream” speech that has resonated through decades as a beacon of light. Dreams can be a harbinger of hope. Dr. King’s words painted a picture so profound and revolutionary that they stirred the hearts of millions. Dreams can also be catalysts and inspire others.
There are many uncertainties today, and situations that may attempt to instill fear. Dreams are the antithesis of nightmares. There is no fear, only expectation. It isn’t foolish or a waste of time to explore what your inner self seeks to reveal if you allow it to have its voice.
I ask you again, what are your dreams? Cling to them. Embrace them. Nurture them as you would a favored plant or pet. Remind yourself of the dream and the “why” they are important. Then, think of the others who have gone before us and know that our dreams may end up affecting others as well. Who knows, maybe your dreams aren’t just for you? Maybe your dreams will inspire or lead another, or perhaps many.
Be a Joseph. Be a Nikola. Be an MLK.
Let’s do this.
– RG