You Go First
There is comfort in following a recognized trail, a familiar road. There is also excitement in forging unchartered paths and getting to experience new things. Both have advantages, don’t they? Think of the comfort of coming up your driveway after a long day. The lights are on inside, beckoning you to go in. You are home, and it feels good.
Then, there is your first glimpse of something as spectacular as the Rocky Mountains or a sapphire-blue wave crashing onto the black lava rocks in Hawaii. Some visions etch themselves deeply into our memory because they are new and unfamiliar. I’m sure you have certain recollections of your own.
As our life journey continues to unfold, I’m grateful to know there is One leading the way. I’ve never been alone on this path I’m treading – not once, nor are you. It’s such a comfort to know whether in the familiar or the new, we have a promise that we are never in it by ourselves.
“It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deut 31:8 ESV
Are you anxious? Are you facing a challenge? Are you rejoicing in something wonderful that is happening to you right now? Or maybe you are weary of the world’s uncertainty? I have good news for you – we aren’t stepping into something without an escort. The very best Champion of all prepares the way. Like He promises in Deuteronomy 31:8, “He goes before us”. He leads. He is out front. Nothing can come at us that doesn’t go through God first.
Isn’t that a beautiful bit of promise from a perfect, holy and unwavering Father? It’s quite a picture, isn’t it?
Take some time and dwell on this promise today and during the week. It puts things in perspective, and should bring you strength, comfort and peace of mind. The conversation I had goes something like this:
Me: “Father-God, I have so many decisions to make right now. Will you help me?”
God: “You know I promised you I will be with you until the end of the age.”
Me: “That’s right. You did promise that… Should I… (you fill in the blank)?”
God: “Yes.”
Me: “Oh! Thank you!” Pause, then, “You go first.”
And you know what? He does. 🙂

One Comment
A great reminder of God walking beside us!