Unexpected Gifts
Have you ever really had to wait? There are different kinds of waiting, you know. Here are a few off the top of my head…
There is the kind of waiting in the “waiting room” of a surgical center to hear the report on the condition of a loved one. This one is grueling!
There is the expectation of a grade on a test or an audition. Your heart is pounding, there are shivers coursing over your body as the results are revealed.
There are the weeks and months of an expectant mother anticipating the arrival of her newborn.
And there is the steady tread of trusting, walking and waiting on God to bring forth His plan.
I have to confess, I’m not especially good at some of these. I’m learning to embrace and love the last one, however. And it’s that one that is in the focus of my thoughts today.
In the past months I’ve seen beautiful things unfold that some may call “coincidence” or happy surprises. A reconciliation that appeared fractured perhaps forever was repaired. A plot of land (Haven) was purchased. A gushing well was drilled. Newborns are on the horizon for several that I love.
In the noise and angst of this world we live in, it is good to stop and remind ourselves of the mercies that have been granted in our lives. When I grumble or fret, the focus is on me. That never goes so well. When I turn that around and start appreciating what has already been graciously given, ah – the difference in attitude is almost instantaneous!
As a planner, project manager, organizer of the logistics and details of life, this kicking back and being patient is sometimes a stretch. Just now I have a lovely dream in my heart. Something so beautiful and exciting that it thrills me to the core. The artist in my head has painted it in brilliant colors and intense specificity. The imagination of it all is inspiring and full of promise.
Maybe, just maybe the goal is grand…and so is the journey to accomplish it. Rather than chomp at the bit, I’m going to intentionally stack up and treasure the memories on the way. Then, when I actually reach the goal, I will bring along a host of blessings that may have otherwise been overlooked.
I have found in life that frequently the beautiful dreams I have designed pale in comparison to what God carefully crafts, puts in gift wrap and lays at my feet. Imagine! Getting a gift from the Creator of the universe.
That’s what today is. And I’m saving the bow.
– RG