Practice Joy
What is it that has your attention – or for that matter, mine? Are your eyes on the difficulties of the day? Worries? Unanswered questions? Hope deferred? Let’s try a new look – let’s deliberately focus on joy. (So much different than simple happiness!) A friend of mine encouraged me today, and it reminded me of this.
I remember when I was about 7 years old a toy of mine somehow slipped under the couch in the living room. I reached for it, and as I touched it, it inched even further away, thus, out of my reach. The tips of my fingers could still feel it, but that was all. Frustrated, I nearly unhinged my arm from its socket trying to get it. Thwarted, I attempted to move the couch. No dice. Small as I was, it was impossible.
Just then, my older brother walked in the room. He is tall. Without a shred of difficulty, he grabbed it and returned it to me. His arms were longer, stronger and able to easily grab what I could not. To him, the toy was not elusive at all. It was perfectly within his reach. I marveled. He made it look so easy…and I was thrilled.
Work with me on this…
Ask yourself – “what is something I do well”? What do you have a knack for that may bring joy to others? Think of it, returning a toy to me as a child still rings in my memory. Was it a “big deal”? No. Was it significant? Yes.
What we can do may not seem earthshattering, profound or cost a lot of money. It may be a simple, kind word. A hug. A whispered prayer for a friend who is struggling. Intentionally spread joy.
If we stop and look – it may be clear as day. Simple things. Focus on spreading them around, and after a time when you look over your shoulder, you may be surprised at how they have multiplied. Practice giving joy and watch what happens. You may be surprised.