Before Dawn
It is quiet this morning, and the birds are singing springtime songs outside my window. They begin before the sun comes up, and it is a welcome sound. The harbinger of a new day.
As this Sunday awakens, the jumbled thoughts of the night seem to realign themselves in a more orderly fashion. The uncertainty and worries have been washed away by the light of day. Isn’t it funny how things seem much more manageable after the rising of the sun?
It feels as though this week will be significant. Maybe that’s why the hours between midnight and three were so unsettled earlier? Who knows?
As I face the coming days, I will trust my steps are guided. There is purpose for every moment. That hope is available, and joy is far better than simple happiness. Wisdom is given, when requested – and that is very comforting.
I have one particularly thorny issue that is troubling and will require expert navigation through tricky waters. I am not looking forward to it. However, in the past, I have been completely delighted by gifts of immediacy during moments such as this. It’s not up to me – and that’s a relief.
At this moment, sitting in the peace and harmony in my living room, I do not have the answers…but I know Who does.
– RG

Jeremiah 29:11-12! ☺️
Ah yes! A definite source of inspiration. 🙂
Arlene Bain
So well said, Rose. There’s something about the morning that renews our hope and leaves behind the uncertainties of the night before. He’s got you in the palm of His hand. God bless you, my friend ♥️