After the Storm
This week was a definite roller-coaster. Early on, there were Texas-sized storms that rolled through, damaging the town where I used to live. Thankfully, nobody was seriously hurt. Although, there was a lot of damage.
My dog – my girl Samantha hates storms. Thundershirt, tranqs, whatever it takes, we manage to get through. This one saw us holed up in the bathroom while my phone blinked “Tornado Warning”.
As she sat on my lap, shaking and panting, I tried to soothe her. She’s normally not a lap dog. She likes to pretend she is independent. (They say dogs take after their owners, right?) As the two of us huddled, I began to sing. The percussive thunder leant a curious background to the ballads I was crooning.
After the storm passed, and we wandered back out of our cubby, I realized that storms do pass. Life is not always serene. There are days where the forces of nature seem to take dominance. As the wall of clouds passed, the sun came out just before it set. Its glowing warmth was welcome.
It was such a picture shining against the formidable blackness rapidly moving eastward. Yes, this too will pass. Sometimes you just have to wait a little while longer to see the sun reappear.