Hover Over Waters
It is Friday – a bright, sunny day in February. The sky is blue, and so am I. Mourning, actually. Feeling sorrow at the loss of so much we have identified as “America”. These days I wonder if was all a mirage the whole time?
That being said, it is imperative to keep our eyes on what is true. Pontious Pilate epically asked, “What is truth?” How sad and pitiful that he did not recognize the Very One standing before his paltry self was and is The Truth – Jesus, our Messiah.
Which brings me to the present day. God supersedes time. After all, He created it. That is a mind bender, isn’t it? Our framework, design and experience cannot fathom something outside of time and space. At least not in this dimension. So, is God “brooding” over the universe in these days as He did above the Earth during creation? Hovering over us to bring us into His fullness…?
A friend of mine brought up this brooding business a few days ago, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Brooding in this sense doesn’t mean to mentally thrash about in fits of depression. It means to hover, as a mother bird does to bring forth life. (A good study here) I keep getting visuals of God’s Spirit caring for and hovering over us, determinedly offering us His protection and the ability to be full of His life…Pouring Himself out and over us. Sometimes it is necessary to pause and reflect upon how present He Is.
In the stillness, I wait. Those of you who know me understand how unlikely that is for me! Another friend has nicknamed me, “Patience“. I’m working on it, I really am! 🙂 With all of this in mind – I give you this poetic prayer of worship.
He is worthy of our hope,
Keeper of our dreams.
Maker of our hidden heart,
Beyond all that is seen.
Listener to our every prayer.
Lover of our soul.
Our very sure Foundation
The One who makes us whole.
He never sleeps or slumbers,
He’s just a call away,
A very present help for us
Tomorrow and today.
 – RG

Thank you!