Real Christmas
A portal was opened the day Jesus was born. God, in his Omnipotence forged a way to allow the finite to meet the Infinite. As He fulfilled the promises of ages past, wrapping Himself in the limitations of a human form, the “Word became flesh”. He changed everything in that instant. And yet, He remained God. It is stunning.
This very act of creation and the physical being of Jesus transformed the dynamic in the heavenlies forever. No longer would Man be unable to reach a Holy, Sovereign and Omniscient God. Because of Jesus the Son, humanity now had a vehicle to step out of the snares of sin and be welcomed into God’s Kingdom. Specifically, in and through Jesus.
Of course, God’s plan involved a series of events, including the death and resurrection of His Son. Christmas was just the opening salvo of a carefully orchestrated overthrow of the kingdom of darkness that had ensnared God’s children for centuries. Their power was vanquished forever. No wonder the angels sang!
And now, as we celebrate this day of Christmas, it is with awe, humility, joy, and reverence that we come before our King. He is truly the Way. Singular. There is only one. His very blood sealed the deal for us to be reunited and made whole. Regeneration is not a simple “make-over”. It is a do-over.
“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.” Rev. 21:5 KJV
New, or” kainós – properly, new in quality (innovation), fresh in development or opportunity – because “not found exactly like this before.” Strong’s Greek Concordance
We are not simply scrubbed in a tub of spiritual soap. We are new. I repeat, “not found exactly like this before.” From the ground up – from the heart out – we are new! Made in the image and with the stamp of life from our Redeemer!
As we exchange gifts, sing carols, hug our loved ones, we can rejoice in the gift of life God has poured out for us. I can see it so clearly – the portal He made for you and me. He has invited us to join Him. Let’s go.

My Pastor always says “He left glory to save us can you imagine?!” What a gift we have been given in Christ ❤️