The Woodworkers
Imagination is a wonderful and powerful thing.
Reading the Christmas story again reminds me how few details we have about the actual birth of Jesus. Was Mary in labor long? Did Joseph have experience delivering babies? Were there angels with them during this time – expectantly waiting and watching for the Messiah to be born?
Did the Innkeeper have regrets after turning them away?
Did Joseph ever doubt Mary’s faithfulness? Somehow, I don’t think so. This is where imagination comes in to play.
Joseph. What a man he must have been! Much attention is given to Mary, but Joseph was also “chosen” and extraordinary. In fact, Joseph has been an inspiration in my life. He was not physically part of Jesus’ DNA, and yet, Jesus was known as a Carpenter, like his dad. In reality the word for carpenter is really more like a builder or architect. Most likely, Joseph made more than tables and chairs. Some theologians believe Joseph built homes.
If this is true, how fitting it is that the Creator, who laid the foundations of the universe, would send His Son to be raised by a craftsman and builder. Imagine, if you will, Joseph guiding the hands of a young Jesus; teaching Him how to make rough pieces of wood smooth. Kind of like He does with you and me.
As a stepparent, I was given the honor and responsibility to care for children who were not of my physical DNA. I can tell you, I thought about Joseph a lot. I figured if he could have a positive influence on Jesus, I could and would do the same for those with whom I had been entrusted.
It is good for us to pause and reflect on those who are in our sphere of life and influence. Never underestimate the beautiful impact you can have on those in your orbit. God never does things haphazardly. There is a plan, and because it is God’s, it is by design and is good.
This Christmas, take a long look at those around you. Don’t be the Innkeeper. He missed a big opportunity, didn’t he? You have options.
Be a Joseph.

Arlene Bain
This is great, Rose! I have thought about Joseph a lot and wondered what he was thinking and feeling through all these events. I enjoyed this very much!
Thank you! 🙂
Jenny Stark
Rosey, I’m in tears so sweet!! It gave me chills too, thinking about Joseph as a builder/architect. Love you Rosey♥️ so blessed to have you help “build” us rugrats into pretty decent women.