Makin’ a List
Today is the day after Thanksgiving. With a grateful heart, I find myself looking around at the odds and ends that make up my Christmas decorations…the Christmas Village, the crotched tablecloth pinch-hitting as an upscale Christmas tree skirt…two white ceramic angels perched on my grandfather’s clock.
So many memories and sweet sentimental things that somehow coalesce into a harmonious theme – at least for me. Each piece is a loving reminder of someone dear. Someone who has contributed greatly to my life.
Which brings me to God.
When you examine your life can you see HIs hand in it? I hope so. I hope you can recognize Him blessing you, helping you, maybe even wiping away the tears…? I encourage you to make a categorical list of the things in your life where you can see God actively at work. Maybe it was even a time where He said, “No.”
I have to confess one of the longest, biggest, most painful things in my life was when God told me no. It was a struggle for years. Truth be told, I still don’t understand it completely, but at least now I trust. Occasionally I can see glimmers of reasoning. Most of the tears are gone now. Most.
This exercise is simple…take the time to reflect on the blessings God has poured on your life. Just as one has to hang each ornament on the tree one at a time – remind yourself of each instance of His faithfulness. Take the time to look closely with new eyes and then remember…you may be surprised at how beautiful the mosaic of your life becomes in retrospect.
“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” Psalm 139:16 NLT