Yesterdays & Tomorrows
None of us know our future – notta one of us. This is a strange pill for me to swallow, since I am a planner by design, by habit and even by profession. Rows and columns fill my days.
However…there is this “other side” – the one that is an inveterate dreamer and desires to fly by the seat of my pants. Sometimes I indulge that side. It has reared its head recently. How I wish to embrace the wildness within. Are you with me?
So I write today for those who feel stuck in the mud, or perhaps may have regrets about a hasty decision, or maybe neither of the above. Just as the sun rises in the morning, and the stars amble across the cosmos in perfect synchronization, there is a plan for our lives. Does that sound boring? I hope not.
I find great comfort in that today.
My plans, milestones, deliverables and longings are firmly in the hands of the One who put everything together in the first place. This is not always easy, because there are many things that are in my life that have caused puzzlement, grief, distress on one side, and joy, wonder, amazement and worship on the other. Do you know what I mean? It’s a dichotomy, and that’s ok. Maybe it’s just me – but I don’t think I’m alone in this.
Today, as I mull over a number of thoughts, I must come to the conclusion once again, that my beautiful God and Savior is in charge. He has never asked me to understand – only trust. And I believe the second part (you wanted to say it, didn’t you – “obey“), yes, obey will be a natural outpouring of trusting the Creator of our souls. Not in the sense of a mindless automaton marching blindly through life with no hopes and dreams – no, this obey is wrapped up in a journey with the most outrageous lover of our souls we can ever begin to imagine. This love story is one of supernatural, eternal, undying rapture.
It doesn’t matter how old I get, how many hurdles I have come through, there are still temptations. Strong ones. Enduring ones. Am I willing to trade the temporary for the eternal? Today, I will say yes to the great obey. Yes.
For yesterday, today and tomorrow, in Jesus, we have everything we ever needed hoped and dreamed – and more.
– RG