Haven in my Heart
Driving out of DFW on a Friday afternoon is a cross between Kamikaze and Bumper Cars. Traffic moves at a hectic pace – and then suddenly comes to a skittering halt. Such it was when I headed out of “Dodge” on Friday afternoon. Thankfully, I was able to leave a little early so I wasn’t in the heat of the heaviest traffic.
I was on my way to Haven…
It’s funny how the things that mean the most sometimes cost the least – or least don’t necessarily wear fancy trappings. I find my friends Brad and Teffny to be one of the treasures of life…no doubt about that.
I decided that for all my crowing about being a farm girl, there are really many things I don’t know about the “country” way of life. And yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks! I’m glad, too, because I learned a few this weekend. I found out sleeping in a tricked-out shed is really cool.
Teffny (who is an amazing cook), got a Blackstone flat top propane grill. I had never heard of such a thing. My eyes were opened this weekend! It was like Samurai Chefs meet the Mountain! We started with breakfast burritos Saturday morning. Amazing. Then, Brad ended up making a combination of marinated meats and veggies for dinner – as well as a campfire and a troubadour from down the way.
Can you imagine? A starlit night, glowing fire, the guys playing and singing…it really felt like a bit of heaven. Even though I’m home now, I am still caught in the spell. It’s like that George Strait song, “I saw God today…”
Yes, I did. And I am thankful.