As anyone who knows me will tell you, I’m not a “numbers” kind of girl. However, this one – this seemingly bland 1467 is powerful. I have a fondness for it today because it is a number of days that are significant in my life. Let me tell you why.
This not because I’m marking off on a wall calendar or anything, I just happened to have accidentally reset my Bible app the morning of my surgery, and ever since then it has been tallying up the days that have passed. Every day when I log in, I glance at the number and thank God for the gift of life He has given me. His faithfulness knows no bounds.
Today, I would like to catalogue some of the blessings I have been granted since that fateful day using those numbers.
1 – The One True God has taken care of me – not just that day, but every day in between.
4 – It has been 4 years since the surgery. That morning I prayed and told God if I awakened from anesthesia, I would know He wasn’t done with me yet!
6 – I have completed 6 books. I remember as a Junior High student thinking it would be amazing to write one book. I never dreamed there would be 6! (Thank you, Jeanette and Mary Etta!)
7 – God’s perfect number…whole and complete. He has restored me, given me hope and purpose. His protection is obvious as I look through the haze of what has been revealed in the past 4 years. So many blessings, so many dear people in my life.
1467 days ago today God provided a way. I am still undone by it all.
“Yet I am always with You; You hold my right hand.” Psalm 73.23 NLT
– RG