Little Things
Today as I was putting away my silverware from the dishwasher, and I remembered that Mom and Dad had given them to me as a Christmas present a few years ago. Suddenly the utilitarian knives and forks seemed so much lovelier and incredibly dear. All because Mom and Dad had wrapped up a rectangular box and put it under a Christmas tree. It was almost as if they were in the kitchen with me.
There are so many things around us that we see, touch and experience on a daily basis that may seem mundane. Are they? Are they, really? I don’t think so…walk with me on this one…
What if every single thing around us was for a purpose, a Divine purpose? What if the very fabric of our being was created for reasons and infinite plans? What if we are truly “God’s workmanship”? Do you feel like that right now? To be honest, most of the time that sounds really good, but doesn’t necessary “stick”, if you know what I mean. It’s almost too good to be true, and yet, our God tells us this is so. And, as they say in Texas, “He ain’t lyin’!”
There is a lot of turbulence just now, a lot of noise. Take time to listen to the stillness and the hush of the real voice of Creation. Because the message our Heavenly Father sends is counter to the distracting, dividing, demoralizing words pouring out in excess from our troubled world today. His words are True. They will never fail us. They will remain for all eternity.
Hosanna! Save us! We can cry to God, because He is more than able to hear and assist. After all, He wove us “in the depths of the earth”, Psalm 139 says. Think about that visual. It should bring a smile.
As I carefully put the silverware in their proper places, I thanked God for the little things. The reminders that He is truly in control and His will will always prevail. Remind yourself of that and see yourself as He does.
“For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. Col. 1:16 NKJV
– RG

This brought tears to my eyes. I miss my mama!
I miss my mom, too. Can’t believe how the years roll by. Hugs, sista!