As I sit in the peaceful solitude of my living room, it is hard to believe so much of the world is in turmoil. There are many forces coalescing on humanity just now – illness, financial anxiety, international uprisings, suspicion… All of these are hallmarks of the “dark side”, and not indicators of our Heavenly Father. Which beg these questions:
What is prayer? Why should we do it? Will it make a difference?
The short answer is, yes. Consider this – Jesus, who is our best and highest Model, did it regularly. He went off by Himself to pray. It was a habit. It seemed to be a deep longing and a joy. If He, being God’s own Son had this need, it only seems logical that prayer is a good thing for us to understand and prioritize.
Next, prayer puts things into proper perspective. I’m Irish. As part of my lineage, I have inherited the unfortunate knack to be able to worry. It’s something I take to God regularly, and I’m convinced it’s part of my epigenetics. I don’t see any scriptures about “worry without ceasing…” God is always bigger and better than my concerns.
Now comes the fun part!
I use the alphabet to guide me. It’s really quiet a nice tactic! The A-B-Cs of listening and talking with God. Sounds simple, right? It is.
I start out on “A” (of course!)- and either thank God for His attributes that begin with the letter I am on, or pray for someone whose first or last name beings with that letter. It’s amazing what happens after that.
Usually, by the time I’m on about “G” – gratitude has replaced fear. Wonder has erased anxiety. Praise and gratitude are my companions. It’s as though the entire atmosphere has changed!
Such a small thing, and yet, so powerful. Pray.
C.S. Lewis, who had such skill getting to the heart of the matter, said,
“I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because I’m helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping. It doesn’t change God- it changes me.”
Ah, yes – he was so much more than Narnia! 🙂
– RG

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