Life is a strange series of events. In the past year we have experienced a number of things that, if asked 18 – 24 months ago, we would have probably thought they were outlandish. Crazy. Impossible.
And yet, here we are.
Before the Polar Vortex of 2021, I was driving home from work. I saw a number of young children walking home from school. They were masked. Their steps were measured. They looked relatively serious for it being the end of the day. Where was the exuberant playfulness expected in the mild Texas sunshine? It was sobering.
Then, last week a friend and I sat huddled in a darkened room relying on the fireplace for both heat and light. Her dog shivered, mine was snoozing at my feet. Over the course of the next 3 days, we had roughly 30 minutes of power total. This was called a rolling outage.
Really? Rolling? It must have been rolling somewhere else, because it wasn’t here.
Finally, when the last log was on the fire, the power came on and stayed on. After 30 minutes, we became more optimistic. After 2 hours, jubilant. The muscles started to unknot, the coffee was hot and the house was actually warm again.
The sound of the furnace was like an angel choir!
All of this being said is to point out WHO or WHAT is truly our source. Every moment we exist, every beat of our heart is in the hands of the Living God. There is no other who can give or maintain life. Our spirit is eternal because He has created us in His image.
So, what do I say at the start of this week? It is sunny now and in the mid-60’s. This is a far cry from where we were 7 days ago. And yet, even then we were cared for. Immeasurably.
When we look around at the desperate, fragile, needy world, it is a good reminder that trials are temporary. Sorrow will pass. Someday, we will be like Him. He promises this, and He always keeps his word.
“Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” 1 John 3:2 NKJV
Rejoice! We have an assured Hope.
– Rose